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What Is SEO And How Can It Improve My Search Ranking?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization, provides key ways to help search engines like Google and Bing find information about your website or a specific topic. Here are 3 ways to help optimize your website’s search rankings:

On-site Optimization: This is the frequency and strategic placement of key words on your website and the number of times they appear. The more key words appear, the better search engines will rank your website. Easy places to include key words are in your website’s title page, page headers, blog and meta tags. But a word of caution, be sure to pick your key words carefully and don’t overuse them. The more common your search term is, the harder it will be to compete with other websites using the same key words for first page ranking.

Off-site Optimization: This represents the number of websites that link directly to your website. The more outside links you have pointing to your website, the better your ranking will be. But whenever possible, you want to be sure these are links coming from valid and reliable sources. Sometimes you can’t control who is linking to your website, but if you can align yourself with strategic sources and provide content that people want to read and share, this can help improve your chances of off-site optimization.

Updated Content: Search engine spiders also look for updated content. The more you refresh or post new content, the more likely search engines will rank your information higher. If a search engine senses you do not update your content often, they will give higher placement to a website that does and will be less inclined to come back to your website. Blogs, white papers and news sections of your website are great ways to update your content on a regular basis to keep content new and fresh.

For more information on SEO and optimizing your website’s performance, contact us at